Which 司机艾德ucation Course is Right for Me?

写的 特约撰稿人

Need help deciding which course to take? 第一个因素是年龄. If you are 18–24 years of age, then our 成人驾驶教育 course is for you since you don't need a learner's permit. 该课程对25岁及以上的成年人是自愿参加的,但强烈建议所有首次驾驶和新手驾驶.

If you're between the ages of 14 and 17, you can choose between our 在线司机教育 和我们的 家长教驾驶. 这两门课都能让你拿到德州驾照,但方法不同. 让我们来比较一下:

家长教驾驶 (PTDE)

PTDE 让学生和家长共同努力,教育学生安全驾驶的重要性,了解道路规则. 它允许家长或法定监护人与学生一起工作,以满足德克萨斯州许可和法规部门(cq9跳高高中大奖视频)要求的44小时的驾驶。.

对于PTDE,每个学生和家长都需要通过填写cq9跳高高中大奖视频申请来获得批准. Once approved, the cq9跳高高中大奖视频 will send you a 家长教驾驶 Program Guide. Once you receive your cq9跳高高中大奖视频 guide, 你可以开始申请你的第一个德克萨斯州学习许可证和驾驶执照所需的在线课程材料. 15-17岁的青少年在完成第一个课程模块后就可以申请他们的学习者许可证. 的 online learner's permit exam isn't included in the price of the PTDE course, but students can opt to add it when ready, allowing them to skip the DPS.


在线司机教育 课程是为想要自己完成国家安全驾驶学习要求的学生设计的, without the aid of a guardian or parent. Teens can begin their online driver education immediately. 15-17岁的学生可以在完成第一个课程模块后参加在线学习者许可考试——这是本课程包的一部分. 不需要在DPS测试!

To satisfy the state-required 44 hours of behind-the-wheel driving, 德州在线驾校的学生必须从驾校获得这项指导, 或者选择加上我们的 开车的课程. 这门课程提供了一个负担得起的选择,因为它让父母或法定监护人训练学生,而不是选择在传统的驾驶学校接受训练, 这是很昂贵的.

父母教 在线驾驶教育
cq9跳高高中大奖视频批准 & DPS接受 是的 是的
父母教 Guide (PTDE Program Guide) 要求 不是必需的
课程讲师 家长/监护人 学生
DE-964表单交付 电子邮件 邮寄
DPS许可证在线考试 可选 包括
完成证书 Delivery 可下载 邮寄
课堂要求 满足 满足
Behind-the-Wheel Requirement 满足 可选

Deciding between Parent-Taught or 在线驾驶教育 can be tough, so we want to help you chose the right course for your family. 这两门课程涵盖相同的课堂内容,但操作方式略有不同. We've outlined the basic differences between the two courses below, so take a look a find the right fit for you!

Texas 家长教驾驶ucation

德州家长教导的驾驶教育课程是针对14到17岁在德州申请驾照的青少年. 我们的课程是在线和移动友好的,所以你可以随时随地完成它!

cq9跳高高中大奖视频-Approved and DPS-Accepted

德州家长教育驾驶教育由德州执照和法规部(cq9跳高高中大奖视频)批准,并被德州公共安全部(DPS)接受。. Our license number is PT113, listed under the name cq9电子爆分视频.

家长教驾驶ucation Program Guide

学生s taking a 家长教驾驶 Course must complete a 家长教驾驶ucation (PTDE) Program Guide. PTDE Program Guides are issued by the cq9跳高高中大奖视频 and cost $20.00. 我们不收取任何导游的费用,也不能更新您的导游状态.


在家长授课的驾驶教育课程中,家长/监护人作为课程的讲师. 的 parent/guardian must guide the student through the course, 指导学生进行驾驶练习(包括登录时间), and complete the appropriate sections of the DE-964 form.

但别担心. 这并不复杂. PTDE课程指南将指导您完成课程并提供明确的说明. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always 问我们!

德州司机ucation Certificate (DE-964 Form)

Once you finish the first module, we will email you a copy of your DE-964 form. 你须参加类别道路规则及类别c标志考试的方格将会被核对. 在您在线参加许可考试后,我们将通过电子邮件向您发送更新的DE-964表格副本. This time, the box stating that you have passed the exam will be checked. 的 DPS will check this box for you if you take the permit exam there. Once the box is checked, you can apply for your permit at your local DPS.


完成第一个6小时模块后,您可以在线参加dps批准的许可证考试. 的 Parent-Taught Course can be purchased with the exam or upgraded to include the exam. Alternatively, you can take the permit exam at your local DPS.

Once you have successfully completed our online permit exam, 我们将通过电子邮件向您发送更新后的德克萨斯州驾驶教育证书(DE-964表格)的副本。. You can use this emailed certificate to apply for a permit at your local DPS.


完成课程后,您可以下载结业证书. 关于如何完成家长指导的进一步说明将包含在cq9跳高高中大奖视频的家长指导指南中.


德克萨斯州要求所有14到17岁的学生完成32小时的课堂教育. Our 家长教驾驶ucation Course satisfies this requirement. Since the state sets the time requirements, each section of the course has a timer. You cannot move forward in the course until the timer runs to zero, but you can take longer on a section if you need to.


Texas requires students to complete 44-hours of behind-the-wheel training, 和我们的 家长教驾驶ucation Course satisfies this requirement.

你必须完成14个小时的教学实践,具体内容详见PTDE课程指南. 此外,你必须完成30小时的练习与有执照的司机超过21岁. Ten of these hours must be at night. 的se hours are also clocked within the course.

Texas 在线司机教育ucation

德州在线驾驶教育课程是为14到17岁的青少年准备的. Our course is online and mobile friendly, and you can complete the course on any device whenever you have time!

cq9跳高高中大奖视频-Approved and DPS-Accepted

德克萨斯州在线驾驶教育由德克萨斯州许可和监管部门(cq9跳高高中大奖视频)批准,并由德克萨斯州公共安全部(DPS)接受。, 课程# 3518.

家长教驾驶ucation Program Guide

德州在线驾驶教育不需要家长指导的驾驶教育(PTDE)计划指南. You can sign up for the course and begin it immediately.


Texas 在线司机教育ucation is a student-initiated course. 你可以自己完成课程,不需要父母/监护人或老师在场.

德州司机ucation Certificate (DE-964 Form)

你的DE-964表格将在你完成第一个模块并通过许可证考试后邮寄给你. Once this form has arrived, you can apply for your permit at your local DPS.


A DPS-approved online permit exam is included in Texas 在线司机教育ucation. You may take it after completing the first module. 一旦您通过考试并完成第一个模块,我们将邮寄您的DE-964表格给您. This form is used to apply for your permit at the DPS.


After you have completed the course, 你需要决定是否将你的课堂时间转移给有执照的驾驶教练或经批准的家长教导的教练. Once your Credit Transfer Information is entered, we will send an updated copy of your DE-964 form to the transfer instructor. You cannot graduate the course without filling out this information.


德克萨斯州要求所有14-17岁的青少年完成32小时的课堂教育. 德州在线驾驶教育 satisfies this requirement. Since the state sets the time requirements, each section in the course has a timer. You cannot move forward in the course until the timer runs to zero, but you can take longer on a section if you need to.


Texas requires students to complete 44-hours of behind-the-wheel practice. 你必须完成14个小时的教学练习和额外的30个小时的练习,与有执照的司机超过21岁. Ten of these hours must be driven at night.

德州在线驾驶教育 满足这个要求. 为了达到这个要求,你可以去驾校上课,或者参加我们的考试 开车的课程. 这门课程提供了一个负担得起的选择,因为它让父母或法定监护人训练学生,而不是在传统的驾驶学校上课, 这是很昂贵的.


If you are between the ages of 18 and 24, then you complete a 6-hour 成人驾驶教育 Course. 既然你已经17岁了,你不需要驾照,也可以不需要驾照参加驾驶考试.